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Irish Times


An article highlighting the financial difficulties faced by women travelling … Continued

Irish Times


“Money plays ever increasing role in decisions of Irish women … Continued

December 2010 eBulletin


The year is wrapping up but we’re gearing up! Help … Continued



This article responding to new figures about the seizure of … Continued

Abortion Support Network Celebrates 1st Anniversary


Support provided to women living in Ireland forced to travel … Continued



In an article highlighting how the severe economic crisis in … Continued

Irish Examiner


Mara Clarke spoke to Orla Barry of the Irish Examiner, … Continued

Today FM – Ray D’Arcy


Mara Clarke spoke to Ray D’Arcy on his Today FM … Continued

News Talk Radio


The Abortion Support Network’s Mara Clarke recently spoke to Orla … Continued

Time Out


The Abortion Support Network was featured in Time Out’s January … Continued