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July eBulletin


Welcome to your ASN eBulletin. June has been almost as busy … Continued

The Journal


“Number looking for financial aid to access abortions doubles”.

Irish Examiner


Women ‘cannot afford abortion in Britain’. Abortion Support Network says … Continued

ABC case – will the Irish Government take action on abortion?


Every year, over 4,000 women are forced to travel to … Continued

June eBulletin


ASN June eBulletin: Now With Charitable Status Welcome to your … Continued


ASN Director Mara Clarke is quoted in an article on … Continued

Spin 103.8


Anne Quesney of Abortion Support Network was interviewed on Ireland’s … Continued

Anti-choice group sneaked into government sexual health advisory group


Abortion Support Network is deeply concerned to learn of the … Continued

Ireland’s abortion ban continues to impact women


The latest abortion statistics published by the Department of Health … Continued



“Supporting Abortion Rights Throughout the UK”, an article by ASN’s … Continued